An Overview of Spoken Language Identification Using Visual Cues From Speech

!!!! Bi-Annual Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal !!!!

!!!! Open Access Journal !!!!

Prof. Namita Kale, Dept. of Information Technology Engineering, MET’s Institute of Engineering, Nashik
Dr. Umesh Bhadade, Prof. and Head, Dept. of E&TC Engineering, SSBT’s College of Engineering and Technology, Bhambori, Jalgaon.

The main task of automatic Language Identification (LID) is to quickly and accurately discriminate the language of spoken utterance (e.g. English, Spanish, etc.) Speech perception by human is a multimodal process and the visual signal as well as the auditory signal produced is robust and rich sources of information. Observers can extract different components of visual signal and the source and contents of signal can be judged by utilizing them. This paper discusses the new approach for language identification using visual cues from speech such as movements of the lips .The related technology is called as visual only language Identification (VLID). The process of automatic lip reading also can be benefited by the research in this field

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