A Study on Attitude & Leadership: An Explanatory Approach

!!!! Bi-Annual Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal !!!!

!!!! Open Access Journal !!!!


Madhusmita Choudhury - Asst. Prof. Presidency College Berhampur, Odisha


Professionalism is an indispensable quality both in business and in society. It forces a person's appearance, personal and professional communications. Sustainability is the capability to undergo changes through renewal, maintenance, and nourishment, in compare to stability, the capability to continue through unchanging resistance to change in corporate sector thorough constant training & skill up-gradation programme. Now – a –days the maximum MNCs gave started a variety of skill up gradation programmes to meet the requirement & expectations of business houses. Analysts argue that these initiations of MNC’s are contributing a maximum for the business growth, but few still couldn’t feel the importance of this skills. The Problem arises because most of the up gradation programme has initiated in remoteness & are no way linked to the business growth strategy. The company personnel should positively quantify the result of different sustainable programmes adopted by measuring the company’s growth performance.

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