Marketing directors are driven today not by the need to build a brand, but by the need to develop their market, launch new extensions or initiatives. A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service or company. Innovations are ideas applied successfully in practice. As one size doesn’t fit all, you need to build a culture of innovation that fits your organisation. Innovation is an idea that causes your target to think and interact differently with your business proposition.
“A brand is synonymous with 'reputation'. The two are inseparable. Brand is the visible, tangible, experiential flag/marker for, and evidence of, reputation.”
-‘Damson Sky’
Brand Innovation transforms your brand into a dynamic, relevant asset, and then directs it with purpose and creativity to a position of preference in your markets. It requires a new way of thinking, the courage and commitment by executive management to seek real and positive change. A brand's competitive position can be strengthened through creation, improvement, reduction and/or elimination of the elements that affect the brand experience. Brands are avenues of value innovation in a creative engagement between companies and their customers. Brands represent an important part of intellectual property for businesses, sometimes more than the technical know-how behind product or service advantage. The purpose of the study is to test whether brands play a measurable role in turning new product ideas into great innovations.