In my Research, I would like to demonstrate the various studies conducted so far on Real Estate Market Its volatile and lucrative nature has made it a heartthrob of many investors. The main idea was to view the main chronological changes in different areas of real estate market in India and abroad.
Going with literal meaning of real property, it’s a property consisting of houses and land. In a broader scope it consists of natural resources and permanent buildings on it. Real estate in India is a bubble that seems to be blown in to maximum each time we hear of a price rise in the Indian realty sector. But then the myth is broken and a fact is established stating there's room for more. The real estate news shows a never ceasing expansion in the real estate developments everywhere. More real estate companies and group have been established in the recent few years. The real estate discussion forum and Blog discussions have become a trend amongst enthusiastic property and realty investors. The Indian real estate market has developed from the local 'thekedaars' to real estate agents and realtors. Real estate sector has proven to be the best returns opportunity for investment of the long saved funds.
India started the 21st century actively increasing the temps of land relations’ reforms. Public-economic transformations, carried out in the recent 10 years, as well as the establishment of the unified system of registration of real property rights carried out by the State Committee of Real Property Cadastre of the Republic of Armenia gave a ground for the introduction of the new land Legislation and brought significant changes in the structure of the real property management, particularly in the land fund of India.