Efficient Auto Code Generation from UML Diagrams Using Semantic Platform and DSL Semantic Annotations

!!!! Bi-Annual Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal !!!!

!!!! Open Access Journal !!!!


Prof. kavita B. Supugade - Assistant Professor, BVCOEW, Pune, Maharashtra

Prof. Sonali R. Idate - Associate Professor, BVDUCOE, Pune, Maharashtra


In this paper, we propose a semantic service platform for implementing the steps of a semantic- and model-driven architecture (MDA)-based method for automated code generation. The code generation is achieved by semantically relating operations in unified modeling language (UML) class diagrams with implemented operations. The relationship among operations is achieved by finding implemented operations with the same postcondition of the operation under implementation. The resultant code is a sequence of invocations to the implemented operations which, acting as a whole, achieve the postcondition of the operation under implementation.

The semantic annotations have two types: solution-independent and solution-dependent. The former allows for one to specify the intention of the operation, avoiding technical aspects, which are indicated with the solution specific semantic. To facilitate the semantic specification of the operations, a DSL was defined. The DSL is easy to learn and apply, allowing for its use by technical and non-technical members of the development team.. However currently this approach is basically works only with class diagram, and hence this imposed the kind of limitations over proposed code generation technique. Thus we are applying the same approach with various other UML models and analyze the efficiency of work system.

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