A Comprehensive Approach of Wireless Data Glove Using Gesture Recognition Technique towards Development of a Supporting System for Aged And Disabled People

!!!! Bi-Annual Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal !!!!

!!!! Open Access Journal !!!!


Prof. Shantanu A. Lohi - Dept. of Information Technology, Government College of Engineering, Amravati

Prof. Harish Gorewar - Dept. of Information Technology, KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur

Prof. R. N. Jogekar - Dept. of Information Technology, J. L. Chaturwedi College of Engineering, Nagpur

Prof. Sandeep S. Ganorkar - Dept. of Information Technology, KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur


Human-robot voice interface has a key role in many application fields. Robotics has achieved its greatest success to date in the world of industrial manufacturing. Hand gesture is a very natural form of human interaction and can be used effectively in human computer interaction (HCI). The approaches for analyzing and classifying hand gestures for HCI include glovebased techniques and vision based techniques. This paper discusses hand glove-based techniques that use sensors to measure the positions of the fingers and the position of the hand in real-time. To implement this approach on real time application, the personal computer interface will be designed to control the movement of four degree of freedom (DOF) of didactic robot arm by transmitting the commands using wireless circuits. This paper focuses on wireless data gloves that are proposed to be used for gesture recognition and accordingly robot movement will take place.

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