Smart Health Card: Solution For Indian Healthcare Sector

!!!! Bi-Annual Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal !!!!

!!!! Open Access Journal !!!!


Achal Agarwal, Student at MPSTME, NMIMS Univ.

Ayush Kansal, Student at MPSTME, NMIMS Univ.


Indian healthcare sector is one of the most flourishing sectors among all in terms of revenue and employment. Although with this growth, the overall development and advancement in this sector is not optimum. This paper highlights the drawbacks associated with existing electronic health care system, which include data privacy, high maintenance cost, lack of standardization and reduced doctor/patient care time. Hence, the proposed system is a smart health card which will improve efficiency, protect confidentiality and accountability of services. This health card will allow the patients to keep their private health chronicles at all times in an appropriate and handy format. It will be beneficial for both health care institutions as well as for patients.



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