!!!! Bi-Annual Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal !!!!
!!!! Open Access Journal !!!!
Shahnawaz Sarwar, Student.
In the present day scenario information technology plays a very crucial role in every arena of human life. From an individual to a multinational company comprising of thousands of employees, to hospitals and banks, everyone is heavily dependent on computers and in turn on internet for their work to be automated. This huge dependency gives rise to several security threats as well. The virtual world is full of hackers and crackers who are ready to breach the security levels of these big shot companies and enterprises. Hence the protection issue remains a topic of major concern, in order to safeguard the vital information and resources while still allowing access to a certain guarded limit. In other words to combat the potential network security threats we need to have our systems secure beforehand. Several attempts have been made and numerous methods have been implied to create a secure network but until now none of these have proved to be impeccable. Keeping up with the latest CERT advisories, hiring network security consultants are some of the ways to defend the potential attacks on data. Here in this feature we have presented a critique of the network security and have broadly summarized the potent security threats it faces and also the methods to address these challenges. We have also accentuated the immediate need to
contrive an action plan to fortify our network security plans and guard the network.