Distributed Detection Protocols In Wireless Sensor Network Against Clone Attack: Comparative Study

!!!! Bi-Annual Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal !!!!

!!!! Open Access Journal !!!!

Swati Sakharam Raimule, Student-ME, Department of Information Technology, MITCOE, Pune University, Pune
Anjali Chandavale, Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, MITCOE, Pune University, Pune

Wireless sensor Networks (WSN) consists of many sensors that are distributed into the network. WSN is used to keep an eye on the physical or environmental circumstances such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure and so on. In WSN, now-a-days very modern technologies are used. Hence, it becomes vulnerable to threats and attacks. One of the most dangerous threats is node replication attack or Clone Attack. In this attack, attacker captures one or more nodes, make duplicates of such nodes and then inserts a huge number of duplicate nodes into the network. These cloned nodes damage the entire network and become extremely dangerous to sensor network functioning such as routing, misbehavior detection, and resource allocation. In this paper, we analyze the side effects of Clone Attack, various distributed detection protocols and the effectiveness of distributed detection protocols in WSN.

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