In this research, we would like to use vegetable waste for the production of biopolymer dextran. These vegetable wastes are thrown out and it gets degraded naturally hence these vegetable waste are very cheap and products formed by these waste are economically feasible. The presence of dextran in the sugar factories leads to a falsely high polarization, increased viscosity, lower evaporation rates, elongated crystals (needle grain) and increase of sugar loss to molasses. However, the most damaging effects of high dextran concentrations in a technical sucrose solution are foreseen in the crystallization. Dextran slows down the crystallization rate or even inhibits crystallization (i.e., they have a high melassigenic effect) (Clarke et al., 1997). Dextran’s occurring during sugar production mainly affects the growth rate and the shape of sucrose crystals during the crystallization process. Decreasing growth rates and needle-like crystal growth cause relevant economic and qualitative losses. From the facts outlined above it appears that Dextran the branched polysaccharide supposedly has many health benefits. Apart from which it contributes to many more applications in technical and pharmaceutical industries too. It has been recognized the necessity to encourage the industrial production of dextran using cheaper substrates considering the economic strategies.