Efficient Hybrid Energy Storage System For Plug-In Electric Vehicle

!!!! Bi-Annual Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal !!!!

!!!! Open Access Journal !!!!

Minal. R .Rade, Student, Member IEEE, K.K.W.I.E.E.R. Nashik, India.
Prof. S.S. Dhamal, Assoc. Prof. K.K.W.I.E.E.R, Nashik, India

In recent years the development and research activities related to transportation have emphasized the development of high efficiency, clean and safe transportation. Electric Vehicle (EV), Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) are the substitute for the conventional vehicles in near future. The vehicle performance is mainly limited by the energy storage system. However no single type of Energy Storage System (ESS) fulfils the all desired characteristics required for the efficient performance of electric vehicle. Therefore hiding the shortcomings of single energy storage element, the Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) is one of the best solution. HESS consist of heterogeneous electrical energy storage element taking advantages of individual element and hiding their disadvantages so as to form efficient HESS for electric vehicle. Batteries and Ultra capacitor are most promising energy storage element to solve the energy storage problem. In this paper main attention is on the designing of HESS which gives substantial benefits against battery issues and optimal combination of energy storage element to reduce super capacitor cost and reduction in battery stress.

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