Demand of electrical energy is increasing day-by-day, resulted increase in size of generating stations and interconnected distribution network (power grid).This leads to the risk of increasing abnormal operation. The conventional circuits breakers can’t be used in the network because it takes time to get activate and sometimes fails to operate if short circuit current of high magnitude. This increasing level of fault current will result in replacing a large number of devices in power systems, like transformers and circuit breakers. Superconducting Fault Current Limiter (SFCL) is one of the most novel alternate solutions to avoid the problem of increasing fault current. It improves power system reliability, power quality and stability by reducing the fault current instantaneously. SFCLs have large impedance in fault conditions and have very low impedance in normal conditions and instantaneous recovery for zero impedance post fault clearance. Superconducting materials have a highly non-linear behavior which is ideal for the application as FCLs.
This paper presents a resistive type SFCL model, implemented by integrating in Simulink- Matlab. The various faults have been simulated at different locations in smart grid and the fault current analysis is done with SFCL and without SFCL.