Market Review with Sentiment Analysis

!!!! Bi-Annual Double Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Journal !!!!

!!!! Open Access Journal !!!!

Kokila Gupta, Information Technology IGDTUW, Kashmere Gate Delhi, India
Paridhi Soni, Information Security Management (IT) IGDTUW, Kashmere Gate Delhi, India

A big question in front of the producer of any service is as to how to evaluate the product in the shortest span of time. The simplest answer is Sentiment analysis. It is the need of the hour. With the ever growing data on the Internet, it becomes difficult and at the same time very important to handle the immense data efficiently. Sentiment analysis helps both the producers and the consumers to keep an eye on the latest and the buzzing trend of the today’s world. It is very important to know what you pay for before you actually go and purchase it. Sentiment analysis is an excellent way to depict the market trend and pattern and help get an idea of what’s hot and not as a consumer and help plan the business for the producers. Twitter being the largest social media platform, we would extract its data and graphically present the trends and make the process of sentiment analysis easier.

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