The purpose of the research is to find out the degree of employees’ perception on organizational climate in selected textile mills in Andhra Pradesh, and to analyze the factors which are significant in influencing the employees positively towards organizational climate. Organizational climate serves as a measure of individual perceptions or feelings about an organization. Organizational climate includes management or leadership styles, participation in decision making, provision of challenging jobs to employees, reduction of boredom and frustration, provision of benefits, personnel policies, and provision of good working conditions of the employees. A total of 125 questioners were distributed to the employees of selected textile mills. Finally, 110 questioners become validated and tested for further statistical analysis. Apart from demographic analysis, the reliability of sample was tested by using Cronbach's Alpha for internal consistency of sampling adequacy. The multiple regression were conducted for testing the hypotheses, the interdependency of variables were given by using Pearson inter-correlation test, where the study tested, the influence of demographic variables on respondent’s opinion with one way analysis of variance. The results indicating that the employees are excessively concern with employee relations, compensation system in the organization, and for recognition of employee skills with a provision of employee participation in decision making. Finally, when the climate is, worker oriented the employees will direct their behavior to attaining organizational goals, and the paper contains relevant material to the textile industry, implications are discussed and recommendations are offered for improving the organizational climate in the Textiles companies.