Tourism protects and maintains the natural and cultural resources of the country, helps in avoidance of migration of the local population, and brings about improvement in the economic and socio cultural level of the local community. It serve as a tool to financial protection of natural areas and increase their economic importance and raise awareness regarding environmental values. But unfortunately in recent years some adverse effect of tourism development and tourism related activities on environment has been observed. It has been seen as a major contributor of spreading pollution and as a major source of emitting dangerous greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Thus it becomes necessary to study the problematic relationship of tourism development with environment. Present study helps in finding out the causes, consequences and solution of the environmental problem caused by the tourism industry. In this paper efforts has been made to highlight the problem of climate change and global warming in relation to tourism development. To find out the actual situation data has been gathered through the various research articles, research study, books, news papers, and e-journals. After analyzing all the facts it can be concluded that the problem of climate change or global warming can only be removed through collective efforts of World Environment Organizations, Government, Tourism related national and international organizations, Media, local community and of course with the contribution of tourist by maintaining the sustainability and adopting the eco-friendly approach while visiting any tourist destination.