In order to be considered as a developed country, any country should be self sufficient in its natural resources as their exploitation is important for laying strong industrial base and also for industrial production and for well being of society. Remote areas can be developed through proper encouragement to small and medium industries. These small industries help to achieve some significant social aims, like, reduction of poverty, lowering disparities in income, reduction of inequality among different regions. They also increase employment opportunities and also strengthen industrial base. Problem comes when any geographical region has most of the natural resources but they sometimes lay untapped. As far as State of Jammu and Kashmir is concerned, terrorism has hampered its economic development. Although there are many small scale industries then also it has not achieved the growth which it should have besides rigorous efforts of government. Whenever it comes to industrialization, three major groups of industries are given due importance, viz.,Large Scale Industries, Small Scale Industries and Cottage Industries. This Research paper is an attempt to study problems and prospects of small and medium industries in Jammu and Kashmir. Various secondary sources have been reviewed for the study and every effort is done to highlight the major problems and opportunities of Small Scale Industries. The paper also throws light on the richness of this state it terms of its flora and fauna and its rich natural beauty which attracts visitors from India and abroad.