Software projects are becoming more and more complex, dynamic in the current global scenario and consequently understanding the factors which affect the success of such complex projects become critical. Lot of research work has been done in this area, and high failure rate of software projects was reported. Job satisfaction being one of the factors, this study tries to understand the impact of job satisfaction on the software project success. Job satisfaction is measured through twenty items. An e-mail questionnaire was used to gather the data. The data were collected from one hundred and fifty software professionals of India. Questionnaire measured all items on seven point likert scale and regression was applied to find the impact of job satisfaction on software project success. Job satisfaction of software professionals has impact on the success of the software project. 51.6% of the variation of the success of software projects is explained by job satisfaction. The findings show the impact of job satisfaction on software project success, which will help project managers in handling the team in a better way, and management in providing improved working situation for the software professionals for good results in the software projects. Lot of work has been done to understand the factors affecting the success of software projects, but few studies have focused on people related issues, with special reference to job satisfaction, that too in Indian context.