Woman known as the half of the world. Today, India is a budding as a global power its half of the population, Women is struggling for their life. They are struggling in every area; whether employment, either health or property rights. The attention towards their concern is still required. There is still a wide gap and Women empowerment in India is still a distant dream. The discrimination shown towards women at the stage of birth in India. They become victims at every stage, from birth to death. Rape, kidnapping and abduction, dowry-related crimes, molestation, sexual harassment, eve-teasing, old age, etc.
When we see the picture of children of India we can see that the infant mortality rates are down, child survival is up, and school dropout rates have fallen. But the issue of child rights in India is still caught between legal and policy commitments to children. The problem of child trafficking is a big issue in India. In such chaos, media plays a vital role as it is known for image building. In this regards media should bring awareness and should make the children and women aware about their rights. And in last, media needs to improve one factor that it should not bring out only negative points. If any government scheme is brought in light, its positive aspects should be broadcast by media.